The importance of a well-thought-out backup strategy

Home » The importance of a well-thought-out backup strategy

27. March 2024 • Jürgen Koller

Table of Contents

The necessity of backups in the era of SSD drives

In an era where SSD drives dominate the market and regular hard drive crashes have become less common, many might think that backups are no longer absolutely necessary. Some even go as far as to claim that in their years of using computers, they have never suffered data loss due to a hard drive crash. However, even if personal experiences may bolster confidence in the reliability of modern storage media, it's important to consider that in the business environment, especially, there are particular duties of care.

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The role of cloud storage solutions

The use of cloud storage solutions has undoubtedly revolutionized data exchange, but many remain hesitant to upload their sensitive business and personal data entirely to the cloud. Cost-effective local solutions like PDF Content Search offer an attractive alternative, enabling data to be managed locally without having to forego the benefits of the cloud.

Backup strategies for Mac users

The backup process for Mac users is particularly easy with the integrated 'Time Machine' function. By connecting an external hard drive, backups of changed data are automatically and regularly created. Nonetheless, it is advisable to use at least two independent hard drives for backups to protect against a hard drive crash or theft.

The misconceptions about backups

A common misconception is that having a backup entitles one to be careless with data. Often, one hears phrases like “I have a backup,” before an entire folder of important data is deleted. However, it's important to understand that a backup is not the same as archiving. A backup only contains the current state of the system and can thus also include unintended changes or deletions.

Persönliche Backup-Strategien

In Anbetracht dieser Herausforderungen habe ich für mich einen Kompromiss gefunden und führe etwa einmal wöchentlich Backups auf rotierenden Festplatten durch. Sollte es dennoch zu einem Worst-Case-Szenario kommen, bin ich bereit, maximal sieben Tage an Daten manuell zu rekonstruieren. Denn am Ende des Tages ist ein umfassendes Backup-System die beste Versicherung gegen den unvorhersehbaren Verlust wichtiger Daten.

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Conclusion: The importance of a well-thought-out backup strategy

A carefully planned backup strategy is thus essential to protect against data loss and ensure the continuity of business processes.

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